Do that thing you love.

It doesn’t matter what others think of your favorite pastime. Do what you love. You might only be able to find time once a week or once in a while, maybe as a volunteer, or on vacation. Do what you love when you can.

Others may think it unimportant or kind of silly or a complete waste of time. No matter. It’s for you.

So knit or sky dive or rescue old dogs or paint moons or watch birds or volunteer or count trains and planes or write limericks or make photos of cats or play the harmonica or tinker with that car or bake beautiful cookies. Whatever you love to do, plan to make it happen.

Ignore negative remarks about how you’re spending time. It’s not for anyone else.

This year, give yourself the space to follow your gifts, interests or inclinations. Lean into that thing, that hobby, that fascination. Plant those wildflowers for the bees. Take that crazy trip. Walk the Camino. Go to the beach or the desert or the river every month. Watch butterflies. Design that furniture. Learn to sew. Send cards to your grandchildren or godchildren.

Don’t wait – you never know what might come of it.

This year, give yourself the space to follow your gifts, interests or inclinations.